The purchase of windows is an investment for many years and only high quality windows, chosen with your individual needs in mind, guarantee an increased level of home comfort and trouble-free functioning. Your choice should therefore not be influenced by any unproven information. What are the most common claims about windows that can be put between myths?
The performance of windows depends on the material they are made of?
It is a myth to say that the performance of windows depends on whether they are made of wood, aluminium or plastic. The quality and performance of a window depends on many factors, including: production technique, thickness of the profile, selected window package, additional materials used – such as good impregnants. Wooden, plastic and aluminium windows can therefore be characterised by equally good parameters.
Wooden windows easily damaged by moisture?
The lifespan of old wooden windows was relatively low. Until recently, wooden windows that leaked, peeled off the paint quickly and warped due to moisture could often be seen in windows of old tenement houses or houses in some villages. This causes many people to have a bad opinion of wooden windows. Meanwhile, claims about their low service life are a myth. High-quality wooden windows, if cared for from time to time, do not deteriorate quickly and can serve for many years. Their durability and functionality are determined by such issues as the quality of the wood and impregnants used, the carefully carried out production process and correct installation.
White PVC windows turn yellow?
This is another claim, the origins of which lie in the past. The first manufactured PVC windows were far from the quality of modern products and indeed, due to exposure to UV radiation, they started to yellow over time. Nowadays, such a phenomenon can only be observed in the case of low-quality windows. If you buy white PVC windows from a reputable manufacturer, you don’t have to worry about the frames turning yellow.
PVC windows bend easily?
In this case, we are dealing with a statement that is neither completely false nor true. PVC windows may indeed deform over time as a result of weathering, but this only applies to low-quality windows. Aluminium or wood are rigid enough to prevent bending on their own. In the case of windows made of PVC, special, usually steel reinforcements, placed inside the profile, protect against deformation. If high-quality materials are used in production and the stiffening is well matched to the size and weight of the window – it will not bend under the influence of even high temperatures. However, the window must be carefully installed and properly measured. (Installing windows that are too large/small, using the wrong amount of installation foam, not cleaning the substrate – such mistakes can cause the window to bend over time).
Do PVC windows emit harmful substances?
PVC windows are completely safe for the health of householders. Otherwise, they would not be approved for use. PVC is, after all, a material used in many industries: in plumbing, carpeting, packaging, as insulation and even in pharmacy. While polyvinyl chloride itself – as a monomer – is harmful to the body, the products made from it are in no way hazardous to health. Plastic joinery only emits harmful substances when exposed to fire – this is one of the reasons why plastic windows must not be burnt (once they have been replaced, it is a good idea to recycle them).
Are wooden windows eco-friendly?
The extent to which windows are environmentally friendly is determined primarily by two factors: their thermal insulation parameters and their durability. The better the thermal insulation provided by the windows, the better the energy balance of the building. Reducing energy consumption in turn benefits the environment. On the other hand, the durability of the windows is important because the better the quality of the windows, the longer they will last and the later it will be necessary to order new woodwork. Wooden windows will therefore not necessarily always be the most environmentally friendly solution – and this despite the fact that they are the easiest to recycle. Thermal insulation parameters are key.
Plastic windows need no maintenance?
Every window, regardless of the material it is made of, should be cleaned and maintained from time to time, for example by adjusting and lubricating the hardware. This increases the window’s service life and prevents problems with opening and closing or leaks. However, it is true that PVC and aluminium windows do not require as much maintenance as wooden ones. In the case of the latter, it is worth subjecting them to periodic care. Cracks and scratches can be easily removed by yourself, as long as they are small. It is also recommended to coat wooden frames once/twice a year with special wood preservatives.
Large glazing reflects negatively on the energy balance of the house?
Large windows will not necessarily reflect negatively on the energy balance of a building. In their case, however, it is particularly important to choose the right glazing package and to consider the correct window exposure at the design stage. It is advisable, for example, to place large glazing on the north side. It is also worth considering the purchase of external window covers to improve thermal insulation. Most modern windows are high quality products that can last for many years. It is worth verifying any doubts you may have about window joinery when talking to a specialist.