Proper ventilation of your home is essential. Learn the easy ways to ventilate your home to improve the air quality in your home and create a healthier environment.

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If we neglect the need to ventilate rooms, the health of the people who live in them will immediately react. If there is no constant circulation of fresh air in the rooms, numerous micro-organisms and moulds are constantly circulating in the atmosphere. Mould quickly forms on the walls and is difficult to get rid of. Residents develop allergies and their natural immunity is lowered. These and other health effects are so serious that special building regulations have been drawn up to ensure that closed rooms are ventilated.
window with vent

Gravity ventilation system
One of the most common ventilation systems is gravity ventilation. Gravity ventilation uses the chimney effect, which is the natural upward movement of warm air (due to its lower density). The air inside the house is usually warmer than the ambient air outside, so the resulting draft in the ventilation ducts causes it to be mixed and constantly exchanged.

The inflow of fresh air is made possible by special vents installed in windows or in walls. In the past, this role was fulfilled by natural leaks in window and door frames, but with improvements in manufacturing that now make doors and windows almost completely airtight, systems that supply air from the outside have become a necessity.

Airtight windows are a sign of our times. Thanks to such windows, it is possible to keep as much thermal energy as possible inside the building. On the other hand, buildings with airtight windows have ventilation problems.

gravity ventilation house

Home methods to increase ventilation in windows
Excellent, modern windows should provide adequate ventilation indoors. If you’ve bought good quality windows and still can’t get adequate ventilation in your home, you’ve tampered with the window construction. The most common procedure is to cut out parts of the gaskets to ensure that air can flow through the window into the room. Windows are also fitted with vents to regulate the flow of air from outside.

Unsealing the window
Another way to get some fresh air into the building is to install windows with unsealing fittings. These windows can be tilted slightly to create a small gap through which fresh air can enter. Some people also choose to install fans in the window frame.

A constant supply of fresh air to a building can also be achieved by installing a ventilation system with heat recovery. Windows with built-in ventilation are equipped with such systems. Thanks to these ventilators, it is possible to supply a room with fresh air without large heat losses (about 80% of the heat is retained). Windows with such systems can also be fitted with air filters. This is very useful for people who suffer from allergies. In early spring and summer, the filters stop the circulation of pollen in the air, which is so harmful to the health and well-being of allergy sufferers.


Here are some external links to websites that discuss similar topics related to ventilation and air quality in homes:

  1. – Ventilation: This page provides an overview of different types of ventilation systems and their importance in maintaining indoor air quality. – Ventilation
  2. EPA – Indoor Air Quality: The Environmental Protection Agency offers resources on improving indoor air quality, including tips on ventilation and reducing pollutants.
    EPA – Indoor Air Quality
  3. Home Ventilating Institute: This organization provides information on various ventilation methods and their benefits for maintaining a healthy home environment.
    Home Ventilating Institute
  4. National Institute of Building Sciences – Ventilation: This site covers best practices for ventilation in buildings, emphasizing energy efficiency and occupant health.
    National Institute of Building Sciences – Ventilation